Novosibirsk, Russia

mail / telegram / CV / dribbble (illustrations) / +7 913 944 4056 / +996 228 914 524

Multidisciplinary designer with experience in various design fields, including UI/UX for desktop and mobile applications, web, and graphic design

WP Guardian

Клиент: WP Guardian

Проект: Desktop application providing security for hosting environments and customers' websites

Области: UI / design system / illustrations


<aside> <img src="/icons/trophy_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/trophy_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> From the task make it beautiful and distinct from previous products, I have developed a modern UI and design system for the product. Now, other products are seeking assistance from our department to update their UI, aiming to emulate the aesthetic of WPG and using it as an example. I have successfully secured resources (frontend development, consultations with PM) for a complete overhaul of the UI library, ensuring we have a powerful design tool not only for one product but for the entire product line across the company.


Case studies


Клиент: Plesk

Проект: Commercial software for automating web hosting and managing data center servers, developed for retail hosting service providers based on Linux and Windows platforms